
YoucanwritenewvariablevalueswithorwithoutDelayedExpansion.Withoutdelayedexpansionyoucanswapthevalueoftwovariablesinoneline:Setvar1=% ...,DelayedvariableexpansionisoftenusefulwhenworkingwithFORLoops,normallyanentireFORloopisevaluatedasasinglecommandevenifitspansmultiple ...,2011年7月13日—Arealproblemoftenexistsbecauseanyvariablessetinsidewillnotbeexportedwhenthatbatchfilefinishes.Soitsnotpossib...


You can write new variable values with or without Delayed Expansion. Without delayed expansion you can swap the value of two variables in one line: Set var1=% ...

EnableDelayedExpansion | Windows CMD

Delayed variable expansion is often useful when working with FOR Loops, normally an entire FOR loop is evaluated as a single command even if it spans multiple ...


2011年7月13日 — A real problem often exists because any variables set inside will not be exported when that batch file finishes. So its not possible to export, ...

How does delayed expansion work in a batch script?

2020年7月18日 — Delayed Expansion will cause variables within a batch file to be expanded at execution time rather than at parse time, this option is turned on ...

How to do substitution in variables with ...

2021年7月22日 — By the way, have you ever tried setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion , then set MyVar=abcdefg , and then echo !MyVar:bcd=123! or echo !MyVar:~0,-2! ?

Set Variable in one line Batch

2024年3月31日 — You can do this without using Delayed Expansion (without setlocal enabledelayedexpansion ), by using a for (loop) with call. @echo off ...


2023年2月3日 — enabledelayedexpansion, Enables the delayed environment variable expansion until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the ...


2018年6月20日 — 在剛開始寫Batch的迴圈(for)的時候,都會遇到一個問題,就是在迴圈中,想要去改變(set) 某個變數的值,可是卻沒有作用。 Example: set var=0

批處理中setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 的作用詳細整理

變數延遲又需要注意什. 麼呢? 舉個例子說明一下:. 例2: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set a=4 ...